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  • Mary Wright

Welcome to my blog!

 Hello! Stories usually start at the beginning.  I am going to jump in a little beyond the beginning with this post – my first blog post.  For those who don’t know me, I want to introduce myself. I am Mary Wright. I am inspired to share what inspires me in my life with you. I am active on social media, but I also have a desire to share personal insights by writing a blog.  And, in my writing endeavor, I want to write a gardening book of tips and tricks to share with my family for their use now and going forward.

So here goes.  I’ll share a brief bit about myself in this post to relay my passion for growing as many cut flowers as possible along with a variety of other plants, bushes, trees, etc.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to be outside.  On my walks to and from elementary school, I picked wildflowers along the way. When I got home, I would place my pretty flowers in a jar.  Ta-Dah! My first floral arrangement came to be.  During the day at school and when we were allowed to draw pictures, I would draw and color a pretty white house with a white picket fence, a big tree that was home to birds and squirrels, and a yard full of flowers.  Maybe I was born with a passion for flowers or maybe hearing others repeat the lines of the familiar English nursery rhyme “Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?” inspired me to take an interest in growing a garden…and a garden with flowers.

 Over the years my inner passion for flowers and growing things extended into a gardening hobby for me.  Growing flowers and vegetables for pleasure is something I have done in my spare time over the past 25+ years.  Gardening is a metaphor for life for me.  Each season brings challenges and rewards.   As I have done in my own life, I have learned many lessons by trial and error.  I have killed my fair share of plants and seedlings, but I have had great success too.   My mistakes inspired me to ask questions and research solutions.  Each season my faith in myself grew as I learned more and more. The reality of the situation is that the garden will be fine on its own without my intervention. I am just the lucky girl who gets to tend to it for now.

My garden has always been a welcome reprieve from the busy pace of my life as a wife, mom of four busy kids, volunteer, and executive assistant. The planning and organization skills used in my administrative support roles over the years have been put to good use in the garden.  I am always thinking ahead to the next season and beyond as I plan out the perfect garden in my mind.  

I look forward to engaging with you as I share my musings on life with you in this space.  Rest assured we will stop to smell many flowers along the way! 

Best wishes,




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